Millennials are notorious for jumping jobs; they will simply not stay in one place for long. Companies often blame millennials for being impatient and entitled, which leads to frustration with the office culture however, millennials frequently claim that they quit bosses not jobs. In short, they leave not because they are unsatisfied with the working conditions, culture or the job itself, but because their superiors do not cater to their rather lofty needs.
Here is a breakdown of the reasons that cause millennials to leave and what corporates should do to retain them, because – don’t forget – millennials will make up the bulk of the workforce in a few years more.
How Am I Doing?
Millennials grew up in a world of technology, specifically, gaming technology. Even the most reluctant millennial probably played a small game like minesweeper that was already installed on their computers in the 90’s. This is a generation who grew up receiving constant feedback on every move they made and then adjusted accordingly. Personal growth is huge for them. Feedback is their default learning mechanism. Unlike earlier generations, millennials will not be offended by feedback because they see it not as an attack on their ego or personality, but as constructive criticism. If companies were willing to implement corporate recognition programs in order to highlight the behaviour and work ethics that they expect as opposed to not seeing results till the shareholder meeting, millennials would feel that is a place they can learn and grow in.
What Am I Achieving?
Millennials have an almost pathological need to contribute in a meaningful way in whatever area they work in. Many of them are engaged in volunteer programs if their workplace is not ‘rewarding’ enough. This is also a job satisfaction criterion for them. If they do not feel that they are making a difference with their lives and their jobs, they will quit. Granted, millennials are often impatient, but if they at least see some mechanism that is in place to offer CSR opportunities or some form of outreach infrastructure that caters to those in need. If the job itself cannot provide that (and many jobs in the business world cannot), companies should look into employee engagement programs that will allow millennials to feel that they are making a difference.